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Mould Application


laser cutting machine for metal sheet

laser cutting machine for metal sheet

laser solution for cutting medical metal plate stainless steel, titanium, Ni-ti ....... very high accuracy model

laser cutting ceramic

laser cutting ceramic

alumina zirconia laser cutting ceramic material laser scribing alumina ceramic substrate high precision cutting drilling with clean edge

biopsy needle black laser marking

biopsy needle black laser marking

medical pipe biopsy needle cannula matte black frosted black level line laser marking

Medical device cutting

Medical device cutting

The medical device laser cutting machine is an excellent tool for the medical industry due to being a contactless high-speed cutting with high resolution.

Medical equipment marking

Medical equipment marking

Medical equipment laser marking machine support aluminum, iron, stainless steel, copper and other metal pieces same meterial marking.

Medical welding

Medical welding

Medical laser welding machine high precision laser welding and micro-welding used in medical devices and aerospace, firearms, and other components.